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"The greatest danger lies in our ignorance. We know how to find pearls in the shells of oysters, gold in the mountains and coal in the bowels of the earth, but we are unaware of the spiritual germs, the creative nebulae that the child hides in himself when he enters our world to renew mankind." (Maria Montessori The Asorbent Mind 240)  <---------Even though technology is challenging for teachers and students alike, give your permissions to enjoy every moment when you are teaching / learning with it, perhaps this is one's greatest motivation!
"Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and human freedoms" (Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 26,  2)<---------We should consider others while think, say and share online.You would be motivated by doing so because you are not alone! Looking at your mirrors!




"The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of  dealing with life as a whole." (J.Krishnamurti) <---------Guide students to have their online interactions that match them as real persons in real life; guide students to engage their best whole selves into online learning; guide students to experience themselves and form good guidelines themselves for their studies.


"A mature truth told to immature minds ceases, in those minds, to be that same mature truth. Immature minds take from it only what immature minds can assimilate. In the end, even though they may give it lip-service and may raise institutions in its name, they turn the mature truth into an applied immaturity. This fate of psychological depreciation has been the fate of all our greatest human truths. Uttered by mature minds, and for the puprose of maturing minds, they have been received, for the most part, by less mature minds - and have thus been only partially comprehended. Being only partially comprehended, they have found expression in ways that have perpetuated as much misunderstanding as understanding, as much error as truth".(Overstreet, H.A. The Mature Mind. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc. 1949. p. 88) <--------- A mature mind is vital to applying those strategies and helps us understand when to stop and when to continue. Always stay in moderation!

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This Quote page helps us look at some holistic perspectives embedded in this topic.

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