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The strategies emerged from an analysis of the student and instructor perspectives in a study from online education experts Rosemary M. Lehman and Simone CO Conceição, as well as their own experiences designing and teaching online for more than 10 years.

(Rosemary M. Lehman, Simone C.O. Conceição.2014, pp.38-56)

The strategy pages contain student strategies that form a pathway for students to follow as they progress through their online learning experience. This pathway begins with a student’s awareness of self situations, and consequences. Then, the pathway progresses to self-efficacy, which is the conviction of a student’s own value and encompasses how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. Next, the pathway goes on to a purpose or goal to complete an online course because a goal or purpose provides the student with intrinsic motivation. To achieve the student’s goal or goals, the student uses time management, prioritizing and learning strategies. Last but not least, the student gains rewards after achieving this goal or  
goals in the form of extrinsic incentives.
  • Self-Awareness

Becoming aware of the process of  learning in the online environment required time and experience for study participants.

Students in the study who had taken one or two courses online had different experiences from students who had taken more

than three courses online. The more experience students have, the more likely they are to be open and self-aware of the online environment. Over time, based on a series of experiences, students develop strategies that help them become successful and persist in the online course.


  • Self-Efficacy

Self-Efficacy was determined by how people thought, felt and behaved in the online environment. Motivation was the reason the (cognitive state) for the desire the (psychological state) to accomplish something the (behavioral state). A given example in the study shows a student had experience taking online courses and had a plan. The student uses self-determination and positive thinking as the reason and desire to complete the course and then lays out the stratifies to accomplish that goal.


  • Means to Achieve Goals

In the study, some reasons that kept students motivated to accomplish a specific goal were having an end in sight such as obtaining a degree, taking a course to complete the major requirements and doing well in the course. Several students said that their main goal was to finish their degree and get it over with. A few students said that they were motivated to take a course because it was necessary class to complete their major. Others felt that they wanted to do well in a course because they were paying for it and didn’t want to waste money.



Student Strategies

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