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Rewards for Achieving Goals


Rewards can assist students in achieving a goal or goals within a course (academic), give them pleasure after completing course tasks (personal), or help them put into practice what they have learned (professional). 

Academic Rewards

Students stated that they kept the idea in the back of their minds that they needed to get good grades. This idea helped them to stay motivated.


Personal Rewards

Keeping in mind that personal activities or projects were things that could be done only when students had completed a certain amount of work, such as drink coffee, take a break, relax, or do something fun in between course tasks because this reminder can help us balance our academic and personal lives.


* Having a checklist of course assignments helps students see when the small goals in the courses are achieved and gives them a sense of personal satisfaction.


Professional Rewards

When students keep those real-life problems in mind that they are trying to solve and think about how they can utilize the learning right away at their job, they feel more motivated to learn, to improve their skills and see the potential in order to move up in their career.


* One thing that instructors do to encourage the sense of professional reward that a course assignment may provide is to share stories from students who have already taken the course and explain how they are using the skills taught in the course. One of the students in this study said years later how much a specific online course had changed her perceptions about technology and her sense of confidence to support others. This example shows that rewards are not always immediate. By sharing stories students can see the value of the course and its potential outcomes.


No matter how big or small the goals were, having a sense of accomplishment motivated the students to achieve a purpose.




Wish List: (For instructors)


  • Provide regular constructive individual feedback on assignments to help students identify academic progress.

  • Allow for extra credit early in the course as a motivator for accomplishing tasks and reducing anxiety later.

  • Recognize strengths and weaknesses when giving individual feedback on assignments so that students can feel good about their progress, improve, and build self-esteem.

  • Remind students that they need to take breaks, relax and do something fun in between tasks or work. This can help them balance academic and personal life. <--------- I LOVE THIS!

  • Help students see the application of courses work to professional life through team projects, hands-on assignments, and internships.


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